Invisalign for Seniors: Why It’s Never Too Late

Invisalign for Seniors: Why It’s Never Too Late

When most people think of Invisalign, they think of it as an option for teens and young adults who want to get straighter teeth without going through the process of traditional braces. While Invisalign can certainly serve those purposes and is perhaps most often employed for such cases, this does not negate its viability as an option for seniors, too. While many individuals who have lived with crooked teeth for a significant portion of their lives might choose contentment with retaining their crooked teeth throughout their remaining years, seniors who have an interest in achieving straighter teeth may consider Invisalign as a potential solution.

Here is some information about Invisalign for seniors.

Will Invisalign Work?

One of the reasons that many adults, of any age, believe that they are beyond the help of braces and Invisalign, is because they have been told that as adults, their teeth are fully set in their jaws and can no longer move, and that teenagers, on the other hand, still have malleable enough jaws and teeth, that they can move their teeth and have them reset to a nice, perfect straightness.

The truth is that with the right pressure, you can straighten your teeth at any age. The mechanism is exactly the same. As you put pressure on the teeth, they will slowly, but surely, start to move. As you put in new aligners that give you even more pressure on your teeth, they will continue to move. Invisalign for seniors is unquestionably an option, whether you already have relatively straight teeth and seek minor adjustments or if all of your teeth are severely misaligned, requiring a comprehensive treatment.

Age Is Not a Barrier to Teeth Straightening

In reality, it is never too late to change the straightness of your teeth. One of the biggest benefits of choosing Invisalign is that unlike braces, which can attract a lot of attention, you can get your teeth straighter, with a mechanism that just about no one is going to notice.

Instead of metal braces, Invisalign uses a series of plastic aligning trays, similar to the retainers given to those who complete braces treatment or the trays used in home teeth whitening treatments. Most people wear each set of trays for two weeks, before switching to a new tray. How many sets of trays you need and how long your treatment will actually take will depend entirely on you, your teeth, and your orthodontist.

The Importance of Adherence

One of the most common reasons that Invisalign treatment takes longer than anticipated is because the patients are not compliant with the instructions of their orthodontist. If, for example, you do not wear your Invisalign for at least twenty-two hours a day, your treatment is going to take much longer than it would if you did follow those instructions. When you take out your aligners, your teeth will naturally start drifting back to their original position.

While taking your aligners out for an hour to eat a meal or a few minutes to clean the aligner is not that big of a deal, if you do not put the aligners right back in, you will not only not be making progress, you can actually be regressing. Your aligners then have to do all of the work they have already done, in addition to doing the additional required work.

What Is the Cost of Invisalign for Seniors?

The cost of Invisalign treatment can vary widely depending on several factors, including the specific country or city within the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, the complexity of the case, the length of treatment required, and the experience of the orthodontist. Additionally, dental care costs can vary significantly between countries within the MENA region.

Prices for Invisalign treatment in the MENA region can range from a few thousand to several thousand dollars, so it’s essential to consult with local providers to get the most accurate and up-to-date pricing information.

Is Invisalign for Seniors a Viable Option for Me?

If you want straighter teeth, Invisalign is a great option for you. Many orthodontists, including Drs. Gemmi and Middleberg, have extensive experience providing Invisalign treatments to adults. This treatment is not limited to teenagers and young adults; it extends to a wider age range. Many offices may actually see more patients over the age of fifty for Invisalign treatments than they see young people. This is because many older people have the means and the credit to actually get this treatment.

If you have always wanted straighter teeth, it is never too late to get those teeth. Invisalign can deliver outstanding cosmetic results, as it eliminates the need for the brackets and wires typically associated with traditional braces, offering a far more discreet method for achieving straighter teeth. straightened. You can get straighter teeth, without having to worry about the aesthetics of braces at your older age!

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