Search for: Bridges

How Often Should I Visit My Dentist?

No matter what age you are, maintaining your oral health is vital, and regularly...

Udenz NFT

Latest “> {{4*4}} Porcelain Veneers or Braces? Which one to Choose? Pros and cons...

How Dental Impressions Are Made

Traditional or Cantilever Bridge The first step to getting a traditional fixed or cantilever...

Types of Dental Bridge

A dental bridge is a permanent appliance that replaces a missing tooth or missing...

How to Make Your Dental Bridge Last

Dental bridges are considered “permanent” because you can’t take them out like you can...

What You Need to Know About Dental Crowns Made from Zirconia

Dental crowns are caps that cover a tooth or a dental implant. Dentists often...

Toxic Orthodontic Materials

Metal braces may be coated with Teflon, which has been associated with hormone disruption...

Full Mouth Implant Reconstruction: The Complete Guide to a New Smile

A full mouth implant reconstruction is a life-changing experience as you regain confidence with...

Why You Should Add a Water Flosser to Your Oral Health Routine

You know what’s a frustrating feeling? Having something stuck between your teeth. You chomp...

More Than Just Root Canals: How an Endodontist Can Help You

Your dentist will refer you to their endodontist for root canals, but that’s not...

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