Search for: Crowns

Toxic Orthodontic Materials

Metal braces may be coated with Teflon, which has been associated with hormone disruption...

What is a Dental Onlay?

Often used to repair decaying or damaged teeth, a dental onlay offers a solid...

Full Mouth Implant Reconstruction: The Complete Guide to a New Smile

A full mouth implant reconstruction is a life-changing experience as you regain confidence with...

What Advances Have Been Made in Root Canal Treatment?

Root canals have become significantly more advanced in recent years. Surgeons now use magnification...

Udenz App

Latest How Dental Practices Can Help Fight Climate Change? 7 Main Causes of Gum...

What are Dental Implants? Should You Consider Them?

Are you ready to have the smile you’ve always dreamed of? Learn what dental...

When to Seek Professional Help for a Dental Emergency

If you’re experiencing dental problems, it’s important to know whether your problem is a...

What is a Professional Dental Cleaning?

Professional dental cleaning is important for maintaining good oral and overall health. You can’t...

Understanding Different Types of Dental Procedures

There are many different types of dental procedures available, each designed to address a...

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