Search for: teeth

Enhance Your Smile with Dental Bonding!

Dental bonding is a cosmetic procedure that uses a tooth-colored composite resin material to...

Day-by-Day Expectations After a Tooth Extraction (Timeline)

Having your tooth extracted (sometimes called having your tooth “pulled”) can result in some...

Care and Cleaning of Mouthguards

Properly maintaining, cleaning, and caring for mouthguards is important to help prevent infection and...

Composite Bonding vs Veneers

If you’d like to correct gaps between your teeth, chips, fractures, misshapen teeth or...

Causes and Treatment of Gingivitis

Gingivitis is an often painful inflammation of the gums. It typically occurs due to...

At What Age Should Your Child Stop Seeing a Pediatric Dentist?

There is a lot of conflicting information available for parents regarding dental care for...

All You Need to Know About Tooth Contouring

What is Tooth Contouring? Tooth contouring, also known as odontoplasty or enameloplasty, is a...

Baby’s First Tooth: 7 Facts Parents Should Know

1. Most babies will develop teeth between 6 and 12 months. There is a...

Avoid These Foods To Protect Your Gums

To protect your gums, avoid these four foods. Keeping your gums healthy is important...

An Easy Guide to Overcoming a Fear of the Dentist

Do you have a fear of the dentist? If so, you’re not unusual. If...

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