Search for: teeth

What is Dental Attrition?

Dental attrition is the loss of tooth structure or tissue caused by tooth-on-tooth contact....

Causes of Tooth Discoloration and How to Prevent and Treat It?

Teeth can become stained or discolored for many different reasons, including your lifestyle, poor...

7 Common Causes of Bad Breath

Everyone suffers from it at some point in their life. Bad breath usually originates...

What Is The Dental Implant?

The dental implant is a metal tooth root replacement that is placed in the...

10 Common Causes of Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity is a common dental problem characterized by sudden, sharp pain aggravated by...

Gum Recession – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

Gum recession is when gums become pushed back or worn away, exposing the root...

5 Dental Fads to Avoid

Some people go to extreme lengths to enhance their smile and appearance, like giving...

Dental Implants vs. Dentures: The Pros and Cons

Missing teeth not only cause considerable embarrassment but can also impact the health of...

Dental X-Rays – Why They Are Important?

Dental X-rays are images of your teeth that capture the interior of your teeth...

Dental Crowns: Purpose, Types, Procedure and Care

Dental crowns are one of the most common dental procedures a dentist performs. They...

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