oral hygiene

How Can I Get Rid of Dental Plaque at Home?

Fortunately, as long as you catch your dental plaque before it’s had a chance...

What Is Dental Plaque?

Has your dentist in Dubai, UAE talked about dental plaque? Here’s everything you need...

Gum Disease and Its Causes

Gum disease is called a “silent disease” because up to 60% of those who...

What are fillings made of and how are they placed?

Tooth fillings can be made of a wide range of substances. Some of the...

Top 6 Benefits of Flossing

If you ever think to yourself “I wonder what dental tips a dentist in...

Why You Should Add a Water Flosser to Your Oral Health Routine

You know what’s a frustrating feeling? Having something stuck between your teeth. You chomp...


There’s no doubt that oral health affects our general well-being in some way. If...

Who performs oral surgery?

An oral and maxillofacial surgeon performs surgery on the mouth, jaw and face. A...

Why is Pulpitis more painful at night?

The other reason, and probably the main reason why it gets worse at night...

Why You Should Be Brushing Your Tongue

You brush and floss twice a day, but you could be doing your mouth...

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