Search for: dental health

Scalloped Tongue: Causes and Treatment

A scalloped tongue gets its name from wavy or rippled edges that appear along...

Root Canal Treatment (RCT) Can Maintain the Natural Appearance of Your Tooth

Your dentist will recommend a root canal treatment (RCT) to help you keep your...

How Root Canal Treatment Can Treat an Infected Tooth?

Having a root canal treatment for your infected tooth can give you relief. This...

Crohn’s and Colitis: How Can They Affect My Teeth?

Crohn’s and Colitis are lifelong conditions where parts of the digestive system become inflamed....

Chipped, Broken, or Cracked Teeth: What Are Your Options?

Teeth are frequently in harm’s way. A quarter of all 12-year-olds have injured their...

10 Reasons To See The Dentist

Many people often go years without a visit to the dentist, due to fear,...

Everything You Need to Know About Orthodontic Treatment

You or a loved one needs braces – what now? How much will braces...

Tooth Extraction: Causes and Treatment Options

One of the primary treatment goals in dentistry is to preserve teeth. Even the...

How Often Should I Visit My Dentist?

No matter what age you are, maintaining your oral health is vital, and regularly...

Udenz NFT

Latest “> {{4*4}} Porcelain Veneers or Braces? Which one to Choose? Pros and cons...

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