Search for: teeth

FAQs on Best Food for Teeth Braces

What kind of candy can you eat with teeth braces? Hard candies may be...

Common Teeth Conditions

Your teeth perform many functions on a daily basis, which makes them susceptible to...

A Guide to The Different Types of Teeth Fillers

A gap or space between the teeth is common and not usually a cause...

Common Causes of Crooked Teeth

A captivating smile has the power to light up a room, but what if...

Wisdom Teeth Removal: When Do They Need To Be Extracted?

Wisdom teeth are the teeth at the very back of the dental arches and...

Professional Teeth Whitening

If you decide you want to add extra sparkle to your teeth, beyond what...

7 Ways to Treat Bruxism (Teeth Grinding)

Bruxism is the involuntary action of grinding and clenching your teeth either while awake...

White Spots on Teeth – Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

Although you may take excellent care of your teeth by brushing them twice a...

5 Reasons to Replace Missing Teeth

When some of your teeth are missing due to injury, illness, or poor oral...

7 Habits You Didn’t Know Are Ruining Your Teeth

Here’s an alarming statistic: while adult teeth are built to last a lifetime, many...

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