Search for: tooth

Biting into Dental Fillings

What one may now consider a simple standard procedure at the dentist, dental fillings...

What Is the Deal with Emdogain?

Inflammation of the gum tissue caused by bacterial toxins is what causes periodontitis, or...

What You Need to Know About Ozone Therapy for Teeth

Ozone therapy is a type of dental treatment that has been gaining popularity in...

The Dangers Of Amalgam Fillings: Why You Don’t Want This In Your Mouth

Did you know all silver fillings (also called amalgam fillings) contain about 50% mercury?...

Other Materials You Can Use for Filling and Their Benefits and Risks

The use of dental amalgam has been declining through the years, with materials such...

Is Dental Amalgam Safe?

Dental amalgam fillings may release small amounts of mercury in the form of a...

Mercury Fillings FAQs

Can mercury leak from amalgam fillings? Silver mercury amalgam does emit tiny amounts of...

How to Safely Remove Mercury Fillings

Mercury amalgam fillings usually last 10-15 years. Once they start to show signs of...

Amalgam Fillings Removal

You might be considering mercury filling removal because of cosmetic reasons, health concerns, or...

The Environmental Impact of Mercury Amalgam

By far the biggest known disadvantage of amalgam fillings is the release of mercury...

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