oral health

5 Oral Sedatives Commonly Used in Dentistry

Various oral sedatives have established efficacy and safety for managing fear and dental anxiety....

Mouthwash Benefits For Oral Health

If you brush your teeth every day for two minutes at a time, floss...

What is Dental Attrition?

Dental attrition is the loss of tooth structure or tissue caused by tooth-on-tooth contact....

7 Common Causes of Bad Breath

Everyone suffers from it at some point in their life. Bad breath usually originates...

Gum Recession – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

Gum recession is when gums become pushed back or worn away, exposing the root...

5 Dental Fads to Avoid

Some people go to extreme lengths to enhance their smile and appearance, like giving...

Scalloped Tongue: Causes and Treatment

A scalloped tongue gets its name from wavy or rippled edges that appear along...

10 Common Dental Myths Debunked

There are many misconceptions about oral health care and dental treatments. These misconceptions can...

7 Habits You Didn’t Know Are Ruining Your Teeth

Here’s an alarming statistic: while adult teeth are built to last a lifetime, many...

Most Common Dental Problems and How to Treat Them

Educating yourself about common dental problems can help you prevent them and keep your...

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