cavity filling

Mercury Fillings FAQs

Can mercury leak from amalgam fillings? Silver mercury amalgam does emit tiny amounts of...

How to Safely Remove Mercury Fillings

Mercury amalgam fillings usually last 10-15 years. Once they start to show signs of...

Amalgam Fillings Removal

You might be considering mercury filling removal because of cosmetic reasons, health concerns, or...

Why Do Dentists Still Use Silver Fillings?

With all this controversy over the use of mercury fillings, you might be wondering...

Amalgam Fillings vs. Composite; Mercury Filling Removal Pros and Cons

Silver amalgam fillings are widely offered on the NHS when a white composite filling...

What are fillings made of and how are they placed?

Tooth fillings can be made of a wide range of substances. Some of the...

Pain After Cavity Filling: What You Need to Know

Do you feel pain or sensitivity after having your cavity filled? What’s normal and...

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